The European Institute for Participative Democracy – Qvorum, as a beneficiary of the project “Efficient mechanisms of collaboration with public authorities”, is organizing in Sibiu, a free training program regarding the operating mode of the local and central public administration institutes, and also methods of involvement of civil society in the process of public decision-making.
The training program is structured in 4 modules and will take place in april, therefore:
Module 1: Operating mechanisms of the local public administration institutes and involvement in the process of decision-making on a local level. – 3 days
Module 2: Operating mechanisms of the central public administration institutes and involvement in the process of decision-making on a central level. – 3 days
Module 3: The period of practice (homework) in which the participants (grouped in teams) will elaborate an advocacy strategic model based on the accumulated information. – 5 days
Module 4: Evaluation, feedback. – 2 days
The training method is result oriented and it is based on:
– Interactivity;
– Emphasize on practical application;
– Precise exemplification and topical information;
– Professional trainers (practitioners) who activate in the training field area;
At the end of the training, the beneficiaries will receive a graduation diploma which testifies the attendance of this training program.
Also, based on the obtained results and active involvement throughout the training program, the participants can participate on one out of two study visits at Brussels or Rome.
The procedure of registering and selection
Those who are interested to participate on this training program will send on the e-mail address [email protected], the following documents:
– Curriculum vitae
– A motivation letter to show the candidate’s interest for this training program
Also, in the e-mail text, the candidates are asked to send their contact data, specifically the phone number and the personal e-mail address in order to have an efficient communication regarding the ongoing details of the training program.
The deadline for sending the applications is 29.03.2013.
For additional details you can contact Gabriela Sinca, project assistant, on the e-mail address [email protected] or at the phone number 0729.614.051.