The European Institute for Participative Democracy – QVORUM is organizing the launch conference of the project “Efficient Mechanisms of collaboration with public authorities” on 12th of February 2013, 10:00 o’clock, at Capital Plaza Hotel, Bucharest.
The project is cofunded from the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme Administrative Capacity Development 2007-2013, code SMIS 40105.
The general objective of the project is developing the non-governmental organizations capacity to collaborate with public administration institutes from Romania so they can work on the improvement of the counseling mechanisms in order to raise the public administrations efficacy on providing services for the citizens interest.
The purpose of the project is represented by the enhancement of knowledge and necessary abilities for interaction between the partnerships members, employees and volunteers with the public administration institutes. The local and central public administrations will benefit from this project as a result of the development of some cooperation procedures with social partners.
The Target group of the project consists of 100 members, volunteers and employees of the European Institute for Participative Democracy – QVORUM, where will be added 30 officials and contractual staff from local and central public institutions.
The main activities of the project are: the organization of some seminars, study visits, good practice exchanges and themed round tables which will presume a training on public administration institutes way of functioning matter and participation of the civil society in the process of decision-making and also creating public policies.
The project will run on a period of 12 months. Will take place in: Bucharest, Bacău, Craiova and Sibiu.
Through the implementation of the project, the following results will be obtained: the participants will gain competencies and work abilities on mechanisms of local and central public administration functioning. These ones will facilitate the involvement in addressing citizenship initiatives for creating public policies.
Through workshop collaboration and through public debate participation, counseling mechanisms and development of common procedures of cooperation will be strengthen.
Participants will gain advanced knowledge regarding good collaboration practices between public administration and existing civil societies on an European level. Another expected outcome after the shaped conclusions will be the development of a good practices guide regarding cooperation procedures between public authorities and civil society environment.