Qvorum Youth Councils, in partnership with European Institute for Participative Democracy Qvorum, is organizing the project GO TO VOTE! for parliamentary elections during the period November – December 2012. Reaching the 2nd edition, the project will take place in 4 counties around the country: Dolj, Brăila, Sibiu and Prahova.
Project GO TO VOTE! for parliamentary elections aims to encourage citizens voter participation on the elections for deputies and senators on 9th of December 2012 and also wants to increase the awareness regarding the importance of voting.
This event targets mainly the youngsters who reached 18 years old and who are voting for the first time, but also the other citizens of Romania with right of voting.
Information about the Parliament of Romania and its role in the decisional process from a central level, information regarding the responsibilities of the deputies and senators and also aspects regarding the importance of citizens participation to election by voting will be shown to the beneficiaries of the project.
First edition of the project GO TO VOTE! took place in the precursory period of the local election from this year and it consisted on presentations in high schools regarding the right to vote, the importance of voting and the mayors and local/county counselors responsibilities.
GO TO VOTE! represents a follow-up of the project Information means power! Be Powerful! Developed by Qvorum Institute in 2010. In this project, Information means power! Be Powerful!, youngsters have the opportunity to find out information regarding central and local public administration, about how the legislating process works in Romania and how are the relations between Parliament, Government and Presidency.
Youngsters who are active in the project Information means power! Be Powerful! are organized in Qvorum Youth Councils, the role of these councils being to monitor the activity of the local and county councils.
Students involved in the activities of this project have the opportunity to attend summer schools on European topics, leadership, mass-media, project management and also on networking sessions and study visits at the Romanian Parliament.