We invite you to have a coffee, will you come to talk about Giurgiu?
Euro Qvorum Institute for Participatory Democracy and Bene Merenti Organization invites you to Public Café on July 8th, 2015 starting with 17:30 at Koruna Restaurant (ex Rapsodia), December 1st 1918 Street, Giurgiu.
The event is developed as a public café, a method of active dialogue, information exchange and creative solutions identification for community actions. During the café, we debate topical issues together with actors from civil society, public administration and private sector.
Public café is one of the instruments that come in handy to stimulate citizens`, NGO`s and private sector representatives` in the decisional process of Giurgiu.
There is no fee for attending Public Café.
“Ideas for Community” project, financed by 2009-2014 SEE grants, via Romanian NGO Fund, has Community-led Local Development – CLLD as a core concept, as well as local development, the responsibility of community.
For more information:
Contact person: Rucsandra Filloreanu, Programme Manager, 0721.55.40.44
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information about Norwegian and SEE grants, access: https://www.eeagrants.org.
The content of this material do not necessary represents the official position of SEE 2009-2014 grants.