Radio show Profit or Loss – Europe, between solutions and strategie for prevention of crysis


European leaders are still searching for solutions to the crisis of the sovereign debts and, at the same time, for the foreign creditors for the European Rescue Fund. Thus, The International Monetary Fund, China, Brazil and even Russia were interested in participating in the capitalization of the emergency fund.

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Schengen and the Romanian economy


Functional justice and the free movement of goods are clear benefits that states must reach through negotiation for the accession to the Schengen area. For Romanian businessmen, this process is just another step towards the integration of Romania and business in the country, in the European Union.

For more information, please access the Romanian version of this article.

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Interview for RFI Romania with Doru Frantescu, director at Qvorum Institute – the most influential romanian eurodeputees


The most influential Romanian MEPs in these first two years in office are Marian Jean Marinescu, Adina Valean, Renate Weber, Rovana Lead and Adriana Ticau.

One of the authors of the study Doru Franţescu – Director of the European Institute for Participatory Democracy – Qvorum explains for RFI, what factors may determine the influence of an MEP:

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The most influential romanian eurodeputees


(Romanian) Potrivit studiului anual “Europarlamentarii la Raport: Cum ne reprezintă în Europa?”, publicat marţi de Institutul European pentru Democraţie Participativă – Qvorum, cei mai influenţi europarlamentari români s-au dovedit a fi Marian Jean Marinescu (PDL/PPE), Adina Vălean (PNL/ALDE), Renate Weber (PNL/ALDE), Rovana Plumb (PSD/S&D), Adriana Ţicău (PSD/S&D), Monica Macovei (PDL/PPE).


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The activity of the Romanian Euroelected


(Romanian) Institutul European pentru Democraţie Participativă (Qvorum) a analizat activitatea europarlamentarilor români. În general, influenţa României în Parlamentul European e în creştere, lucru confirmat prin creşterea „activităţilor de substanţă din PE”, conform raportului Qvorum.

Adevarul Europa

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MEPs reporting: how are we represented in Europe?


(Romanian) Cât de harnici sunt europarlamentarii români? Aceasta este întrebarea la care răspunde cercetarea Institutul European pentru Democraţie Participativă – Qvorum, care contine informaţii detaliate privind activitatea individuală a fiecăruia dintre cei 33 de europarlamentari români în perioada iulie 2009 – iulie 2011.


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